In our pods this week we learned about EdCamps. This was the first time I had heard of this idea and it involved. EdCamp is similar to a conference where instead of having pre-planned topics, the participants (educators) get to brain storm different ideas together and discuss them in smaller groups. Participants can choose whether to participant in the brain storming and discussions, or just sit back and listen to what people have come up with. I believe the idea of EdCamps is great for all educators, especially new ones who are just starting their careers. Being able to hear the ideas of different educators would be very beneficial and inspiring.
The idea of EdCamps could be useful in the classroom, as well. For example, teachers could allow their students to write down topics they want to research for a project. Students would come together and see the other topics their classmates chose. They would then choose the topic they want to research, allowing them to choose the topic before choosing partners. This way students could work with classmates they would not usually get to work with, and it would allow them to learn with students of similar interests.