This week we had a guest speaker present to our class over Zoom. We talked about technology and inclusion, as well as BCEdAccess which is a volunteer-run organization that works with families of students with disabilities and complex learners in BC. In regards to technology, they have heard from parents that schools have denied them the use of technology and they have found they needed to justify why their child needs the technology. They have complained that there is no support for parents to learn how to use the technology that their children are using for school. In addition, parents have said that it can be difficult to access technology.
The speaker spoke about recognizing ableism and gave examples of it when it comes to accessible/inclusive tech, such as having to justify using tech, withholding tech because it might make other kids jealous, and using tech with the goal of “independence or resiliency” to ultimately stop using the tech.
We discussed examples of how we can determine students tech needs and some ideas of how we can normalize tech use in the classroom. Giving students the option to use tech such as Chromebooks when working on written assignments is a good way to normalize tech in class and make all students feel included. It is important to make it clear for students that tech is a tool and not a toy and it is used to help their learning. At the beginning of the year, we can also do a quick evaluation of our students tech needs by having them do a short assignment in math, English, etc., to determine whether using tech would be easier for them to understand the content and complete the assignment. Lastly, I will send a sheet home for parents to fill out about their students needs and what sort of technology might benefit their learning.
This class made me realize that as a teacher I need to be aware and support students tech needs. I need to normalize tech in the classroom and ensure that my students understand how and why it is used in the classroom. I will never deny a students need for tech and I will make sure all of my students have access to tech at home before creating an assignment that requires technology.