I really enjoyed learning about the flipped learning technique and the types of projects my students could do where they are creating graphics. The flipped learning technique is very interesting to me. The idea of putting certain elements of the class online is a great idea if you want to have more time for active learning. To me, the downside would be trusting the students to do the work at home on their own time. In the classroom, you can ensure the students are doing the work and paying attention. In class we learned that one way to avoid this is instead of asking the students to watch a video, do homework, etc., at home, is to have certain content available during class. You can set up a group of students on a computer while another group does something else. That way, each student is able to view the content and will be prepared for the activity/lesson. In my classroom I want to avoid passive learning as much as possible, so the idea of a flipped learning technique appeals to me.
I like the idea of using graphics such as concept maps, mind maps, cartoons, etc., for student projects. I remember drawing cartoons in elementary school and it was a fun and creative way to showcase my learning. I definitely want to use graphics for my students’ projects.
Below is the student ID I created using Canva. I enjoyed using Canva and found the website easy to navigate and the templates easy to edit.