My Progression in Fitness

My Workouts – Week 5

This week I was able to lift heavy weight. I was able to hip thrust 155 pounds and 105 pounds for bench press. I am so proud of myself and I am seeing great progress. I am happy that I have been able to stay disciplined and motivated to get to the gym multiple times a week. Next week I am going home for reading break and will be taking a short break from the gym. I am hoping this does not impact the amount I am able to lift, but I am planning on doing research on the benefits of taking breaks from the gym and debunking myths about rest days.


  • Hip thrusts (145lb) 4 sets of 8
  • RDL’s (95lb) 4 sets of 8
  • Bulgarian splits squats (22.5lb x 2) 4 sets of 8 
  • Leg curl (55lb) 4 sets of 8
  • Leg extension (70lb) 4 sets of 10 


  • Rest day 


  • Dumbbell bench (35lb x 2) 4 sets of 8
  • Shoulder press (25lb x 2) 4 sets of 8 
  • Incline bench (25 x 2) 3 sets of 12 
  • Tricep extension (57.5lb) superset overhead cable extension (50lb) 4 sets of 8 
  • Face pulls (65lb) 4 sets of 10 
  • Machine flys (84lb) 3 sets of 10
  • Tricep dips (17.5lb decrease) 4 sets of 8 
  • Lat raises (12lb x 2) 4 sets of 10


  • Lat pull downs (70lb) 4 sets of 8
  • Cable row (90lb) 4 sets of 8 
  • Lat fly machine (72lb) 4 sets of 8 
  • Straight arm bent over pull down (77.5lb) 4 sets of 8 
  • Half-kneeling cable vertical row (70lb) 3 sets of 8


  • Hip thrusts (155lb) 3 sets of 8 
  • RDL’s  (40lb x 2) 3 sets of 10
  • Bulgarian splits squats (25lb x 2) 3 sets of 8 
  • Leg curl (55lb) 3 sets of 10
  • Leg extension (75lb) 3 sets of 10 


  • Bench press (105lb) 5 sets of 3
  • Shoulder press (30lb x 2) 3 sets of 8
  • Incline bench (30lb) 3 sets of 8
  • Tricep extension (57.5lb) superset overhead cable extension (50lb) 3 sets of 10
  • Machine flys (84lb) 3 sets of 10
  • Face pulls (70lb) 3 sets of 10
  • Skull crushers (35lb) 3 sets of 10
  • Front raises (25lb weight) superset lat raises (12lb x 2) 3 sets of 8 

Below is a video of my last set when benching 105 pounds!

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