
  • Squats (115lb) 2 sets of 6, (135lb) 1 set of 4, (145lb) 1 set of 3 
  • RDL’s (105lb) 3 sets of 10
  • Dumbbell split squats (25lb x 2) 2 sets of 8
  • Leg extension (100lb) 4 sets of 8
  • Leg curl (70lb) 3 sets of 10


  • Machine shoulder press (50lb) 1 set of 10, (55lb) 1 set of 10, (60lb) 1 set of 8
  • Cable one arm lat raises (7.5lb) 3 sets of 10
  • Cable front raises (7.5lb) 3 sets of 10
  • Tricep extension (20lb) 3 sets of 15
  • Skull crushers (30lb) 3 sets of 12 


  • Rest day