
  • Rest day


  • Assisted pull up (35lb decrease) 1 set of 5, (30lb decrease) 3 sets of 4
  • Assisted chin up (20lb decrease) 4 sets of 4
  • Lat pull down (75lb) 4 sets of 8
  • Cable rows with bar (35lb) 1 set of 10, (42.5lb) 2 sets of 10
  • Straight arm bent over pull down (30lb) 3 sets of 8
  • Face pulls (40lb) 3 sets of 10
  • Barbell bicep curls (30lb) 3 sets of 10


  • Bench press (65lb) 1 set of 8, (95lb) 1 set of 6, (115lb) 1 set of 3, 1 set of 2 (125lb) 1 set of 1 
  • Dumbbell shoulder press (35lb) 3 sets of 8
  • Cable flys (12.5lb) 4 sets of 10
  • Cable one arm lat raises (7.5lb) superset plate front raises (25lb) 3 set of 10
  • Standing incline cable fly (7.5lb) 3 sets of 10
  • Tricep extensions (20lb) superset overhead tricep extensions (30lb) 3 sets of 10


  • Squats (95lb) 1 set of 10, (115lb) 1 set of 8, (135lb) 1 set of 5, (145lb) 1 set of 3 , (155lb) 1 set of 1
  • RDL’s (95lb) 3 sets of 10
  • Hip thrusts (140lb) 1 set of 10, (160lb) 1 set of 10, (180lb) 2 sets of 8
  • Leg press (90lb + machine) 1 set of 10, (135lb + machine) 1 set of 10, (180lb + machine) 1 set of 10, (200lb + machine) 1 set of 
  • Body weight squats (unassisted) 3 sets of 20


  • Assisted pull ups (25lb decrease) 5 sets of 3
  • Bent over rows (95lb) 1 set of 10, (105lb) 1 set of 10, (115lb) 1 set of 10
  • MTS row (80lb) 1 set of 10, (90lb) 1 set of 10, (100lb) 1 set of 8
  • Lat pull downs (35lb different machine) 3 sets of 10
  • Barbell bicep curls (30lb) 3 sets of 10
  • Dumbbell hammer curls (15lb) 3 sets of 10

Saturday & Sunday

  • Rest days